June 17, 2022 - Five Months Later
I’m Back!, let’s start with that.
So apparently, it takes me more than five months to update the site into using jekyll and make a new post. That’s a lot of time, so let’s catch up!
The site
A lot has happened since the last update, there are some small design changes here and there but mainly now every entry on the blogs became it’s own posts with their own dedicated page to them, this brings the beneffit of letting us make really long entries and put a lot more of depth into them and the code. Before we had to be very carefult with how long each entry was because the whole content would be displayed on top of one another and having really long ones would make it hard to read.
Migrating to jekyll also brought the benefit of making blog entries a lot easier, before we would have to manually insert them on the html of the page and follow a very precise and wordy structure of tags
<h2>01-06-2021 - Everything's Up and Running!</h2>
<p>I've been working on the site for quite a while now and it's finally starting to look like something someone would be interested on checking out, well kinda. I really have to thank Hongo for making most of the content that's in here right now.
<img src="Images/01-06-2021_screenshot1.png" width=500px></p>
<p>It took me way too long but I'm finally done making the layout for the blogs, I'd say I'm eager to make some posts but I'm really not that kind of person, though I'll try to make entries as often as I can. Yes the layout is actually very very simple.
<img src="Images/01-06-2021_screenshot2.png" width=500px></p>
<p>While making the layout I came across these little itty things on css called "grids", they're sooo handy. This shit's so fucking basic I'm not sure how I haven't shot myself on the foot yet while trying to make this website haha.</p>
<p>And thus, <i>The <b>Greed</b> Zone</i> was born.<br>
<pre class="codebox prettyprint"><code class="language-css">/*Elementos especiales*/
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(3,1fr);
grid-column-gap: 50px;
.project-grid h1{
grid-column-start: 1;
grid-column-end: 4;
.project-grid h2{
height: 40px;
.project-grid a{
display: inline list-item;
margin-right: 25px;
.project-grid img{
width: 400px;
height: 181px;
margin: 0 auto;
} </code></pre></p>
<p>Here's a little drawing I made today when I got distracted making a completely different one, and just in case <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afklBpo79yo">here's</a> the song I was listening to in the screenshots.
<img src="Images/Joker says.png"></p>
As you can see, it became very tedious really quickly and it was really hard to read once the entries started to include code blocks and other interactive elements. It just wasn’t viable in the future, with the change of the migration to a static site generator also came writing posts in markdown, which makes this a whole lot easier to mantain and keep organized!.
As you can already tell from the pictures my system looks quite different from last time, and that’s because my setup has changed too!
My setup
First off, since last time I made a post my HDD hasn’t died, luckily. I installed linux back in August of last year, then my drive died on me and once again I installed Linux on my machine, this time however instead of installing KDE and it’s components I decided to try a WM, I went with i3wm for no particular reason.
Right now I’ve gone about four months and half of using only a WM, and so far I can say its really comfortable to use, I especially love the workspaces feature and how everything is just a keybind away.
I’ve done some basic ricing to it too but its nothing fancy, I’ve mostly kept it practical either way I still like a lot how everything turned out on my system, which got me thinking how did I even end up on Linux ricing a i3wm install? So I started scrolling throug old chats and recovering pictures I had send my friends over the years and so, that bring me to the next section:
My journey so far
Over the last year and a half I’ve gone from having my system looking completely standard to a fully riced out setup. It all began with how little I liked the Windows look, it was just so generic for me, specially once I started seeing what people could do online.
So I began looking around, at first just getting rainmeter and decorating my desktop getting some nice live wallpaper as my background and pretty much just cleaning it and going for a minimalistic kind of feel. But it end up feeling crowed and not harmonius at all, nothing felt like it belonged with the other elements.
With this discomfort in mind I kept looking around and tweaking, until I found a way to completely change the theme of windows, finally settling on a simplistic greenish aesthetic which felt pretty nice and comfortable.
Then it happened, my drive died and I finally decided to try Linux. I went with the thing that felt the closest to windows: KDE, but instead of green I decided on purple this time, it felt pretty alright but I still liked my old setupt more, however when it came to coding and doing other task it definetely was better on it.
After looking around for some time I stumbled upon tilling window managers, for me KDE was a tad too much, it sometimes felt clunky and with too many things around, almost as if it was in my way while trying to navigate my computer, so I gave WMs a chance. It definetely wasn’t pretty but it was sooo much comfortable that I just kept in there, I also became fascinated with just using my keybord and naturally began moving to using primary shell software.
Which gets us to the final station, my current setup. It took me some time, especially figuring out all the config files andapplying the color schemes but I’m happy with how everything turned out since it feels comfortable and looks nice!. Now every time I use Windows I feel so slow and uncorfomtable having to use the mouse for almost everything.